



Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Barulah aku tahu di sini
Kejujuran hanya sebutir debu di tengah padang
Ketulusan sudah semakin jarang
Kebaikan hanya wayang

Barulah aku tahu di sini
Orang-orang telah disergah pangkat
Memuja, memuji, mengampu, mengangkat
senjata nafsu-nafsi menyengat
daki dunia di dinding hati kini melekat

Barulah aku tahu di sini
Melayu memijak bangsanya sendiri – cerca  
Melayu membenam ilmu bersulam iri  
Melayu membunuh nasib – menumbuk rusuk
Melayu mencari dirinya sendiri
Yang larut dalam laut dengki  

Barulah aku tahu di sini
Yang mampu dipercaya
Hanya kerusi dan meja
Berkhidmat paling setia
Tanpa ganjaran luar jangka...........

Barulah aku tahu di sini
Bukan tempat untuk berjuang
Tapi tempat mencari wang............
Yang aku pasti
Malaikat di bahu kiri
Tidak henti mencatat......

Telah KAU letakkan aku di sini
Tiba-tiba hati ini mahu pulang ke sana......
Hanya kepada-MU
Aku memohon pertolongan dan perlindungan..............

Senja Putrajaya

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Segala puji bagi Allah dan Rasul-NYA.

Agak lama saya tidak menulis di blog ini kerana kekangan masa dan tugas. Tambahan pula portfolio bidang tugas sudah berubah. Tidak lagi ke sekolah. Lebih mencabar lagi waktu kerja juga berubah kepada masa pejabat 8.00 pagi hingga 5.00 petang. Terkurung di bangunan cantik sepanjang hari atau jika keluar pun, ada tugas-tugas lain yang melibatkan amanah yang dipikul di bawah label Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia............. 

Yasin (berbaju hitam)
 Muhammad Yasin bin Mohamad adalah murid Pendidikan Khas yang unik, tersendiri dan mengkagumkan.....

Bayangkan saya pernah menyoal begini kepada anak-anak didik saya;

”siapa yang tak pernah tengok bukan-bukan?”

”Bukan-bukan macam mana cikgu?” Tanya Aizuddin rakan sekelas Yasin.

”Yalah! Gambar-gambar ke, video ke , cd ke, kat handphone ke yang bukan-bukan! Aurat orang perempuan!” Jawap saya lagi dan mengharapkan mereka mendapat pemahaman yang jelas.

Ada yang tertawa dan ada yang terdiam. Pun dalam kelompok murid-murid Pendidikan Khas SMK Buloh Kasap hanya dua orang sahaja yang mengangkat tangan. Murid itu Yasin dan Luqman.  Menandakan pancaindera penglihatan tidak pernah tercemar dengan pornografi yang bisa merosakkan akal, emosi dan jiwa.... Saya merenung Yasin dan Luqman. 

Saya meyakininya kerana keuda-duanya murid saya yang tidak meninggalkan solat lima. Luqman memang kerap mengikut bapanya berjemaah. Bapanya juga adalah seorang guru PK dan merupakan Penyelaras PK di SMBK yang lebih kepada sahabat saya.

“Betul cikgu! Demi Allah.....” Yasin bersumpah.

”Baik. Cukup! cikgu percaya!”


Di satu hari lain, waktu itu saya baru beberapa bulan mengajar di SMK Buloh Kasap.

”Cikgu!” Panggil Yasin seakan mahu menyatakan sesuatu sebelum memulakan


”Cikgu saya nak pakai serban macam cikgu masa solat Jumaat”  Saya terperanjat bercampur gembira.

”Alhamdulilah! Pakailah! Kan cikgu selalu cakap serban itu mahkota Rasulullah!”

Wajahnya tiba-tiba sedih.

”Ayah saya tak bagi cikgu!” Katanya sambil merenung wajah saya memohon simpati. Saya pula terlebihlah lagi simpati kepadanya.

”Ayah cakap apa?’” Tanya saya dengan nada memujuk.

”Laku fiil kena jaga. Kalau dah pakai serban kena jadi orang baik!”

”Betullah itu. Yasin azam jadi orang baik. Hormat ibubapa. Doa banyak-banyak kepada Allah! Insyallah nanti akan diizinkan juga”

Saya sendiri tidak ingat, berapa lama peristiwa itu berlalu. Namun pada suatu Jumaat, saya dan Yasin memang bersolat di masjid yang sama kerana kami juga tinggal setaman. Saya tidak akan melupakannya. Selesai solat Jumaat, Yasin menunggu saya dan pada Jumaat itu dia lengkap dengan jubah dan serban. Tatkala dia bersalam dan mencium tangan saya, saya pasntas memeluknya.

Lalu sebelum saya diberi peluang oleh Allah untuk mengorak langkah ke peringkat pengurusan, Yasin datang kepada saya (akhir tahun lepas rasanya) sebelum saya dipanggil temuduga selepas KPM meminta resume saya ekoran BUKU KE[PIMPINAN DAN PENGURUSAN PENDIDIKAN KHAS dilancarkan pada Sambutan Hari Guru Kebangsaan 2010.

”Cikgu saya nak minta tolong cikgu semak!”

”Nak semak apanya Sin?” Tutur saya dengan nada gurau dan separa tersenyum.

”Cikgu saya dah hafal surah Sajadah dan Al-Insan!”

Saya separa terkejut bercampur bangga.

Yasin duduk membacanya di depan saya dan saya menyemak melalui Al-Quran digital yang berada di dalam laptop. Benar ada sedikit cacat bacaannya. Pun secara keseluruhan dia dapat menghafalnya dengan baik (harus diingat Muhammad Yasin hanyalah seorang murid Pendidikan Khas yang bermasalah pembelajaran). Yang mana secara jujurnya saya sendiri tidak berupaya menghafal surah Sajadah dan Al-Insan....

Yasin cikgu bangga dengan kamu dan merindui kamu semua. Doakan cikgu ya. Cikgu percaya doa kamu lebih mudah diangkat berbanding balada orang berdosa seperti cikgu. Ini catatan yang cikgu janji untuk kamu.

Salam rindu untuk semua warga SMBK dari kejauhan............. Segala puji bagi Allah dan Rasul-NYA

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Segala puji bagi-MU ya Allah dan Rasulullah SAW...
 Bumi memburu siang tika cahaya malam tertinggal suam-suam kuku. Subuh berkabus. 6.30 pagi saya tinggalkan kediaman, selepas isteri dan anak-anak mencium tangan saya dan saya membalasnya dengan mengucup dahi kesemua zuriat dan seorang isteri saya itu. Menuju ke bangunan Parlimen di kota metropolitan, ibu negara tercinta ini. Terlalu banyak yang bermain di fikiran. Jangan sampai tidak bisa menyusun kata walhal yang bakal ditemui nanti hanyalah manusia biasa yang amanahnya lebih berbanding warga marhain.

Tiba di destinasi kira-kira jam 10.30 pagi  setelah sempat menikmati secawan Nescafe dan sepinggan nasi goreng di pinggir hentian Seremban. Tidak banyak halangan selepas menyerahkan kad pengenalan dan memaklumkan ada temujanji dengan Timbalan Menteri Pelajaran  Dr. Puad Zarkashi.
Kemudian menelefon individu yang bertanggungjawab mengatur pertemuan bersejarah ini. Terima kasih tidak terhingga kepada Encik Zahari Sarip (Pegawai Khas TMPM), terbukti individu ini telah menjalankan amanahnya dengan penuh tanggungjawab tanpa meminggirkan kepentingan nasib anak-anak khas hanya kerana  prinsip saya yang berbeza.  Kami minum di café yang terletak di belakang bangunan Parlimen sambil berbincang pelbagai isu dunia pendidikan di samping beliau memberikan saya pelbagai idea apabila berpeluang bertemu dengan TMPM.

“YB Fuad ahli akademik. Jujur! Politiknya yang benar tetap benar dan yang salah tetap salah tanpa mengira pihak mana.” Kata Zahari kepada saya

 Sejarah TMPM ini memang cukup unik. Beliau sebelum ini merupakan seorang pensyarah, lantang mempertikaikan tentang PPSMI dan yang menariknya beliau adalah ahli berdaftar Parti………… akhirnya diamanahkan untuk memegang jawatan TMPM   

Kami tinggalkan café apabila saya menyatakan hasrat untuk melihat sidang parlimen. Kepingin sungguh untuk melihat ahli-ahli parlimen tanah air kita berhujah dan berdebat secara langsung dengan mata kepala sendiri. Ketika saya masuk tiada bezanya memasuki mahkamah, di mana kita terpaksa memberikan sedikit tunduk hormat kepada sidang dewan. (kemudian saya terus membuka buku nota untuk membuat catatan)……

Wakil DAP Bukit Mertajam sedang membentangkan hujah berkaitan isu gender di mana pembangunan wanita dalam kaitan sasaran kerja, ekonomi Negara. Program pembangunan hendaklah dibuat sungguh-sungguh dan bukan berbentuk retorik, sandiwara sebaliknya dengan komitmen yang konkrit…….
Kurang lebih yang meminta laluan BN Ledang, BN Arau, PAS Kota Raja… banyak yang dihujahkan tentang pembangunan wanita termasuk dengan fakta dan indeks mengikut tahun. Suasananya tidaklah sepanas yang selalu saya saksikan di internet. Barangkali kerana isunya dipersetujui oleh kedua-dua pihak samada kerajaan dan pembangkang tentang pentingnya peranan wanita dalam pembangunan Negara….
Sidang akhbar Dato Seri Nazri Aziz
 Keluar dewan saya sempat melihat sidang akhbar Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz. Kemudian mundar-mandir melihat situasi di lobi parlimen. Saya sempat juga bertemu dengan ahli Parlimen Pokok sena, YB Mahfuz Omar. Semuanya baik dan mesra tanpa mengira ideologi politik. Sewajarnya begitulah. Pentas politik adalah satu amanah untuk memajukan, memelihara dan meningkatkan maruah serta pembangunan negara baik untuk agama, bangsa dan negara. Saya sempat melihat mesra YB Mahfuz dan ahli-ahli parlimen BN. Alangkah baiknya jika perkara ini dapat dilihat rakyat awam yang agak tertutup pemikirannya bahawa sebenarnya wakil rakyat mereka hanya berhujah dan lantang di dalam parlimen sebaliknya mesra dan rapat di luar dewan. 
Ahli Parlimen Pokok Sena
Sampai masa yang dijanjikan untuk saya bertemu dengan Timbalan Menteri Pelajaran Malaysia. Dr. Puad menyambut saya dengan mesra dan menjawab salam saya dan tangan saya digenggam erat.

”Ya cikgu!”

Saya menghulurkan proposol sebuah manusrip baru yang saya hasilkan bersama Tuan Haji Shamsudin Othman, seorang pensyarah di UPM. Dia menyambutnya sambil membaca surat rasmi dan menyelak-nyelak proposol tersebut.

Meneliti proposol sambil saya menerangkan keadaan sebenar

” Saya datang kerana Allah dan Rasul-NYA. Saya minta jasa baik Dr,  Tidak ada mana-mana buku rujukan khusus untuk ..................... bagi anak-anak khas di Malaysia...”

”Manuskrip ini saya tulis setelah mengambil kira pengalaman saya selama 12 tahun bersama anak-anak khas, juga mengambil pendapat pensyarah, rakan-rakan guru dan saya berharap manuskrip ini dapat diberikan sedikit perhatian.....”

”Apa yang cikgu mahukan?” Katanya sambil membelek proposol tersebut dan kemudian memandang tepat ke wajah saya.

”Satu penilaian yang telus, benar kiranya manuskrip ini sesuai untuk digunakan di semua sekolah yang ada Pendidikan Khas di Malaysia.... saya menulisnya kerana mengambil tanggungjawab sebagai seorang guru dan muslim. Ilhamnya tercipta apabila ada anak murid saya yang ’ringan-ringan’ ditangkap dan disoal, mereka tidak tahu apa yang boleh dan tidak boleh dilakukan mengikut batas-batas agama. Saya tidak mahu ambil sikap lihat sahaja. Dengan sedikit kemampuan yang dianugerahkan Allah, saya mahu menjadi orang yang dapat menyelesaikan masalah. Insyallah!.”

”Ok. Tahniah cikgu! Sekarang cikgu biasa menulis siapa yang bertanggungjawab dalam hal penilaian buku ini?” Tanyanya sambil mata terarah buku ’Kepimpinan dan Pengurusan Pendidikan Khas’

’Tapi bukan buku itu Dr!?” Saya tidak menjawab soalan apabila melihat Dr. Fuad lebih terarah kepada  buku KDPPK.
Menatap buku KDPPK yang telah diterbitkan oleh Utusan Publications

”Yang nie?” tanyanya sambil membelek-belek buku yang telah diterbitkan oleh Utusan Publications itu.

”Itu tentang pengurusan dan kepimpinan. Tahun lepas cetak. Alhamdulilah buku tu BPG, KPM pilih untuk dilancarkan pada Sambutan Hari Guru Kebangsaan. Naskah ini saya hadiahkan untuk Dr...”

”Ok. Jadi tadi siapa yang patut buat penilaian?” Tanyanya lagi.

”Bahagian Pendidikan Khas ...”

Dr. Puad mencatat sesuatu di muka hadapan surat rasmi yang saya sertakan.

”Sekarang cikgu mengajar di mana?” Tuturnya selesai membuat catatan.


Maaf! Inilah yang dapat saya kongsikan kerana ada perbincangan lain yang saya kira perlu saya rahsiakan di blog ini.... Kurang lebih lima belas minit bersama TMPM, cukup untuk saya menyediakan ruang di fikiran dan jiwa untuk menyimpan kenangan bernilai ini.

Sebagai anak kampung dan guru biasa, ini adalah pengalaman yang cukup berharga.
Pengalaman yang tidak dapat saya perolehi melalui buku atau visual melainkan merentasi sendiri peristiwa ini.
Terima kasih saudara Zahari Bin Sarip (Pegawai Khas TMPM)

Terima kasih kepada Encik Zahari Sarip (Pegawai Khas TMPM) yang menghantar saya sehingga ke kereta untuk pulang...............

Sepanjang perjalanan pulang terlalu banyak yang berlegar dalam fikiran saya tentang dunia pendidikan Malaysia khususnya pendidikan khas, urus tadbir negara, watak dan perwatakan ahli-ahli parlimen, kerajaan, pembangkang, rakyat, ekonomi, sosial..............................................................   dan terlalu banyak yang ingin saya tulis......................................................

Segala puji bagi-MU ya Allah dan Rasulullah SAW...


Sunday, March 6, 2011


Pertempuran sengit di Ras Lanuf,8 terbunuh.. tentera gaddafi lari ke Tripoli

Libyan rebels who are part of the forces against Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi celebrate their victory in fighting against troops loyal to Gadhafi, in the oil town of Ras Lanuf, eastern Libya, Saturday, March 5, 2011. Witnesses say Libyan rebels have captured the oil port town of Ras Lanouf from pro-Moammar Gadhafi forces, their first military victory in what could be a long, westward march to the capital Tripoli. The witnesses said on Saturday that Ras Lanouf, about 87 miles (140 kilometers) east of the Gadhafi stronghold of Sirte, fell in rebel hands Friday night after a fierce battle with pro-regime forces who later fled.
Libyan rebels who are part of the forces against Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi celebrate their victory in fighting against troops loyal to Gadhafi, in the oil town of Ras Lanuf, eastern Libya, Saturday, March 5, 2011. Witnesses say Libyan rebels have captured the oil port town of Ras Lanouf from pro-Moammar Gadhafi forces, their first military victory in what could be a long, westward march to the capital Tripoli. The witnesses said on Saturday that Ras Lanouf, about 87 miles (140 kilometers) east of the Gadhafi stronghold of Sirte, fell in rebel hands Friday night after a fierce battle with pro-regime forces who later fled.
Libyan rebels who are part of the forces against Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi guard outside the refinery after their victory in fighting against troops loyal to Gadhafi in the oil town of Ras Lanuf, eastern Libya, Saturday, March 5, 2011. Witnesses say Libyan rebels have captured the oil port town of Ras Lanouf from pro-Moammar Gadhafi forces, their first military victory in what could be a long, westward march to the capital Tripoli. The witnesses said on Saturday that Ras Lanouf, about 87 miles (140 kilometers) east of the Gadhafi stronghold of Sirte, fell in rebel hands Friday night after a fierce battle with pro-regime forces who later fled.
Libyan fighters who are part of the forces against Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi guard outside the refinery after their victory in fighting against troops loyal to Gadhafi in the oil town of Ras Lanuf, eastern Libya, Saturday, March 5, 2011. Witnesses say Libyan rebels have captured the oil port town of Ras Lanouf from pro-Moammar Gadhafi forces, their first military victory in what could be a long, westward march to the capital Tripoli. The witnesses said on Saturday that Ras Lanouf, about 87 miles (140 kilometers) east of the Gadhafi stronghold of Sirte, fell in rebel hands Friday night after a fierce battle with pro-regime forces who later fled.
Libyan rebels who are part of the forces against Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi celebrate their victory in fighting against troops loyal to Gadhafi, in the oil town of Ras Lanuf, eastern Libya, Saturday, March 5, 2011. Witnesses say Libyan rebels have captured the oil port town of Ras Lanouf from pro-Moammar Gadhafi forces, their first military victory in what could be a long, westward march to the capital Tripoli. The witnesses said on Saturday that Ras Lanouf, about 87 miles (140 kilometers) east of the Gadhafi stronghold of Sirte, fell in rebel hands Friday night after a fierce battle with pro-regime forces who later fled.
Libyan rebels who are part of the forces against Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi ride in a truck after fighting against troops loyal to Gadhafi in the oil town of Ras Lanuf, eastern Libya, Saturday, March 5, 2011. Witnesses say Libyan rebels have captured the oil port town of Ras Lanouf from pro-Moammar Gadhafi forces, their first military victory in what could be a long, westward march to the capital Tripoli. The witnesses said on Saturday that Ras Lanouf, about 87 miles (140 kilometers) east of the Gadhafi stronghold of Sirte, fell in rebel hands Friday night after a fierce battle with pro-regime forces who later fled.
Rebel fighters take cover from shelling by soldiers loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi during a battle near Ras Lanuf, March 4, 2011. Heavily armed rebels clashed with forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi on Friday on the outskirts of the key oil terminal of Ras Lanuf as the head of Libya's rebel council vowed "victory or death".
Libyan rebel fighters prepare to battle against pro-Kadhafi forces as they gather on the oustkirts of Ras Lanuf on March 4, 2011.
Libyan rebel fighters prepare to battle against pro-Kadhafi forces as they gather on the oustkirts of Ras Lanuf on March 5, 2011

Pejuang telah menang dan menghalau tentera gaddafi dari Ras Lanuf dan sirte,kini mereka sudah hampir untuk memasuki Tripoli

Eight killed in Libyan fresh clashes

Fresh clashes between anti-government protesters and forces loyal to Libyan ruler Moammar Gaddafi have left at least eight people dead and 21 injured.
The clashes took place on Saturday in the oil town of Ras Lanuf, Dr. Ahmad Burtima said.
“We have eight dead people after the fighting in Ras Lanuf and 21 injured. Two or three of them were moved to Benghazi hospital in a critical situation,” Dr. Burtima told AFP at a hospital in the town of Ajdabiya.
On Friday, Tripoli residents demanding Gaddafi’s downfall held rallies after the Friday prayers in the capital, where pro-Gaddafi forces used teargas to disperse them.
Meanwhile, the regime’s troops kept a heavy military presence on main roads around the capital, where pro-Gaddafi forces have been searching cars at numerous checkpoints.
In the Libyan city of Benghazi, which is under the protesters’ control, a massive rally was also held after the Friday prayers.
Thousands of people have been killed in the crackdown on protests by the Libyan regime in the past two weeks.
Libya’s revolutionary forces have vowed to continue with their rallies until achieving victory.
Libya was formed in 1934 with Italy’s colonization of Tripolitania, and Cyrenaica, the two provinces that the European country had won following a war with the Ottoman Empire.
Libya declared its independency from Italy in 1951, when King Idris formed a monarchy in the North African country.
Gaddafi, who led a military coup against King Idris, came to power and established “the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya” in 1969.
Libyans from the rebel-held eastern town of Brega celebrate after rumor spread that fighters took over the town of Ras Lanuf from pro-Kadhafi forces during battles on March 4, 2011 as forces loyal to Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi have regained control of Zawiyah, near Tripoli, from rebel hands, state television reported.
Libyans from the rebel-held eastern town of Brega celebrate after rumor spread that fighters took over the town of Ras Lanuf from pro-Kadhafi forces during battles on March 4, 2011 as forces loyal to Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi have regained control of Zawiyah, near Tripoli, from rebel hands, state television reported.
Libyan rebel fighters flash the 'victory' sign as they ride at the back of a pick-up truck on their way to battle against pro-Kadhafi forces, some 40 kms down the road of the northcentral city of Ras Lanuf on March 4, 2011 as forces loyal to Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi have regained control of Zawiyah, near Tripoli, from rebel hands, state television reported.
Libyan  fighters flash the ‘victory’ sign as they ride at the back of a pick-up truck on their way to battle against pro-Kadhafi forces, some 40 kms down the road of the northcentral city of Ras Lanuf on March 4, 2011 as forces loyal to Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi have regained control of Zawiyah, near Tripoli, from rebel hands, state television reported.
Libyan rebel fighters raise their weapons as they ride at the back of a pick-up truck on their way to battle against pro-Kadhafi forces, some 40 kms down the road of the northcentral city of Ras Lanuf on March 4, 2011 as forces loyal to Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi have regained control of Zawiyah, near Tripoli, from rebel hands, state television reported.
Libyans from the rebel-held eastern town of Brega celebrate after rumor spread that fighters took over the town of Ras Lanuf from pro-Kadhafi forces during battles on March 4, 2011 as forces loyal to Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi have regained control of Zawiyah, near Tripoli, from rebel hands, state television reported.
Libyan rebel fighters pray before heading to battle against pro Khadafi forces, some 40 km down the road of the northern central city of Ras Lanuf on March 4, 2011 as forces loyal to Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi have regained control of Zawiyah, near Tripoli, from rebel hands, state television reported.
Libyan rebel fighters pray before heading to battle against pro Khadafi forces, some 40 km down the road of the northern central city of Ras Lanuf on March 4, 2011 as forces loyal to Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi have regained control of Zawiyah, near Tripoli, from rebel hands, state television reported.
Libyan rebel fighters pray before heading to battle against pro Khadafi forces, some 40 km down the road of the northern central city of Ras Lanuf on March 4, 2011 as forces loyal to Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi have regained control of Zawiyah, near Tripoli, from rebel hands, state television reported.
Libyan rebel fighters pray before heading to battle against pro-Kadhafi forces, some 40 kms down the road of the northcentral city of Ras Lanuf on March 4, 2011 as forces loyal to Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi have regained control of Zawiyah, near Tripoli, from rebel hands, state television reported.
Libyan rebel fighters pray before heading to battle against pro-Kadhafi forces, some 40 kms down the road of the northcentral city of Ras Lanuf on March 4, 2011 as forces loyal to Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi have regained control of Zawiyah, near Tripoli, from rebel hands, state television reported.
Libyan rebel fighters pray before heading to battle against pro-Kadhafi forces, some 40 kms down the road of the northcentral city of Ras Lanuf on March 4, 2011 as forces loyal to Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi have regained control of Zawiyah, near Tripoli, from rebel hands, state television reported.
Libyan rebel fighters pray before heading to battle against pro-Kadhafi forces, some 40 kms down the road of the northcentral city of Ras Lanuf on March 4, 2011 as forces loyal to Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi have regained control of Zawiyah, near Tripoli, from rebel hands, state television reported.
Libyan rebel fighters pray before heading to battle against pro Khadafi forces, some 40 km down the road of the northern central city of Ras Lanuf on March 4, 2011 as forces loyal to Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi have regained control of Zawiyah, near Tripoli, from rebel hands, state television reported.
Libyan rebel fighters prepare to head to battle against pro-Kadhafi forces, some 40 kms down the road of the northcentral city of Ras Lanuf on March 4, 2011 as forces loyal to Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi have regained control of Zawiyah, near Tripoli, from rebel hands, state television reported.
Libyan rebel fighters prepare to head to battle against pro-Kadhafi forces, some 40 kms down the road of the northcentral city of Ras Lanuf on March 4, 2011 as forces loyal to Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi have regained control of Zawiyah, near Tripoli, from rebel hands, state television reported.
Libyan rebels who are part of the forces against Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi drive before leaving for the front-line near Ras Lanuf, west of the town of Brega, eastern Libya, Friday, March 4, 2011.
Libyan rebels who are part of the forces against Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi drive before leaving for the front-line near Ras Lanuf, west of the town of Brega, eastern Libya, Friday, March 4, 2011.
A man walks past the Azzawiya oil refinery in Zawiyah, 50 km (30 miles) west of the capital Tripoli March 3, 2011.
A man walks past the Azzawiya oil refinery in Zawiyah, 50 km (30 miles) west of the capital Tripoli March 4, 2011.
Libyan rebel fighters celebrate as they pass through Ajdabiya's west gate, 160 kms west of Benghazi, on their way to Ras la nuf where heavy fighting are taking place with loyalist forces on March 4, 2011. Forces loyal to Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi have regained control of Zawiyah, near Tripoli, from rebel hands, state television reported.
A Libyan rebel fighter readies himself before heading to battle against pro-Kadhafi forces, some 40 kms down the road of the northcentral city of Ras Lanuf on March 4, 2011 as forces loyal to Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi have regained control of Zawiyah, near Tripoli, from rebel hands, state television reported.
A Libyan rebel fighter readies himself before heading to battle against pro-Kadhafi forces, some 40 kms down the road of the northcentral city of Ras Lanuf on March 4, 2011 as forces loyal to Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi have regained control of Zawiyah, near Tripoli, from rebel hands, state television reported.
A Libyan rebel fighter wraps himself in heavy machine gun ammo before heading to battle against pro Khadafi forces, some 40 km down the road of the northern central city of Ras Lanuf on March 4, 2011 as forces loyal to Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi have regained control of Zawiyah, near Tripoli, from rebel hands, state television reported.
Libyans from the rebel-held eastern town of Brega celebrate after rumor spread that fighters took over the town of Ras Lanuf from pro-Kadhafi forces during battles on March 4, 2011 as forces loyal to Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi have regained control of Zawiyah, near Tripoli, from rebel hands, state television reported.
Libyans fighters held eastern town of Brega celebrate after rumor spread that fighters took over the town of Ras Lanuf from pro-Kadhafi forces during battles on March 4, 2011 as forces loyal to Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi have regained control of Zawiyah, near Tripoli, from rebel hands, state television reported.

Kemenangan atau kematian … Kami tidak akan berhenti sehingga kami membebaskan seluruh negara ini – Mustafa Abdel Jalil

Victory or death … We will not stop until we liberate all this country

Opposition forces claim they have taken control of an airport in the oil port of Ras Lanuf, after heavy fighting with Gaddafi forces.
Anti-regime protesters and the significant number of soldiers, who have defected to the opposition side, have vowed to take control of Tripoli.
“Victory or death … We will not stop until we liberate all this country,” Mustafa Abdel Jalil, head of the rebel National Libyan Council said.
Meanwhile, Gaddafi regime vigilantes and plainclothes police have clashed with thousands of protesters in several Tripoli neighborhoods.
The forces are using teargas and rubber bullets to disperse protesters, reports added.
Protesters chanted anti-regime slogans and burnt several effigies of Colonel Gaddafi in the eastern suburb of Tajoura.
Reports say Gaddafi’s military forces have bombed the eastern oil-rich town of Brega for the third consecutive day.
The key oil-producing town is now under the control of protesters.
Similar airstrikes have also been reported in the northeastern town of Ajdabiya 160 kilometers south of Benghazi.
This is while some reports say the Gaddafi regime has stepped up recruiting mercenaries from other African countries.
Protesters say they are ready to hold talks if the Libyan ruler steps down or goes into exile.
Several thousands of Libyans have been killed and many others have been injured after protests began in the North African nation on February 17.PressTV
Flames are seen after an explosion at an ammunition storage facility at a military base in the rebel stronghold of Benghazi, eastern Libya, on Friday March 4, 2011. Hospital officials said at least 17 people were killed after the blast, which triggered secondary explosions and hit a nearby residential area. The cause of the blast is unclear.
Flames are seen after an explosion at an ammunition storage facility at a military base in the rebel stronghold of Benghazi, eastern Libya, on Friday March 4, 2011. Hospital officials said at least 17 people were killed after the blast, which triggered secondary explosions and hit a nearby residential area. The cause of the blast is unclear.
ALTERNATIVE CROP - Flames are seen after an explosion at an ammunition storage facility at a military base in the rebel stronghold of Benghazi, eastern Libya, on Friday March 4, 2011. Hospital officials said at least 17 people were killed after the blast, which triggered secondary explosions and hit a nearby residential area. The cause of the blast was unclear.
ALTERNATIVE CROP – Flames are seen after an explosion at an ammunition storage facility at a military base in the rebel stronghold of Benghazi, eastern Libya, on Friday March 4, 2011. Hospital officials said at least 17 people were killed after the blast, which triggered secondary explosions and hit a nearby residential area. The cause of the blast was unclear.
Libyan man looks inside a destroyed car, damaged after an explosion at a nearby ammunition storage facility at a military base in the rebel stronghold of Benghazi, eastern Libya, on Friday March 4, 2011. Hospital officials said at least 17 people were killed after the blast, which triggered secondary explosions and hit a nearby residential area. The cause of the blast is unclear.
BENGHAZI, LIBYA - MARCH 04:  Bodies of rebel militiamen lie covered in a hospital morgue March 4, 2011 in Benghazi, Libya. Dozens of militiamen were reported killed and injured in an explosion at an arms depot Friday. Meanwhile, fellow rebels battled government forces of President Muammar Gaddafi to the west.
BENGHAZI, LIBYA – MARCH 04: Bodies of rebel militiamen lie covered in a hospital morgue March 4, 2011 in Benghazi, Libya. Dozens of militiamen were reported killed and injured in an explosion at an arms depot Friday. Meanwhile, fellow rebels battled government forces of President Muammar Gaddafi to the west.
A wounded Libyan man who was injured in an explosion lies in his hospital bed, in Benghazi, eastern Libya, on Friday March 4, 2011. An explosion at an ammunition storage facility at a military base in the rebel stronghold of Benghazi, eastern Libya, on Friday, killed at least 17 people according to hospital staff,  after the blast which triggered secondary explosions and hit a nearby residential area. The cause of the blast was unclear.
A wounded Libyan man who was injured in an explosion lies in his hospital bed, in Benghazi, eastern Libya, on Friday March 4, 2011. An explosion at an ammunition storage facility at a military base in the rebel stronghold of Benghazi, eastern Libya, on Friday, killed at least 17 people according to hospital staff, after the blast which triggered secondary explosions and hit a nearby residential area. The cause of the blast was unclear.
Morgue attendants transport the body of people killed after a blast at an ammunition warehouse on the outskirts of Benghazi on March 4, 2011. Blasts at a Libyan military weapons depot killed at least 17 people outside the main rebel-held city of Benghazi today, a hospital doctor said.
Morgue attendants transport the body of people killed after a blast at an ammunition warehouse on the outskirts of Benghazi on March 4, 2011. Blasts at a Libyan military weapons depot killed at least 17 people outside the main rebel-held city of Benghazi today, a hospital doctor said.
A wounded Libyan man who was injured in an explosion lies in his hospital bed, in Benghazi, eastern Libya, on Friday March 4, 2011. An explosion at an ammunition storage facility at a military base in the rebel stronghold of Benghazi, eastern Libya, on Friday, killed at least 17 people according to hospital staff,  after the blast which triggered secondary explosions and hit a nearby residential area. The cause of the blast was unclear.
A wounded Libyan man who was injured in an explosion lies in his hospital bed, in Benghazi, eastern Libya, on Friday March 4, 2011. An explosion at an ammunition storage facility at a military base in the rebel stronghold of Benghazi, eastern Libya, on Friday, killed at least 17 people according to hospital staff, after the blast which triggered secondary explosions and hit a nearby residential area. The cause of the blast was unclear.

Breaking News…

Gaddafi forces bomb arms store in Benghazi-rebels

Tentera Diktator Gaddafi Mengebom Gudang Simpanan Senjata Pejuang Di Benghazi

(Adds Al Jazeera report on 17 dead, Al Arabiya saying 16 dead)
RAJMA, Libya, March 4 (Reuters) – Forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi bombed an arms depot on the outskirts of Libya’s second city of Benghazi in the east of the country, Mustafa Gheriani, a spokesman for the rebel February 17th Coalition, told Reuters.
Al Jazeera television reported 17 people had been killed in the raid on the arms depot at Rajma near Benghazi. Al Arabiya put the death toll at 16.
The area around was cordoned off by rebel security forces, a Reuters witness said. There was a heavy smell of smoke and at least eight ambulances were seen ferrying casualties away from the scene.
“A lot of people have been killed. There are many people in the hospital. No one can approach, It’s still very dangerous,” said a resident who would only identify himself as Saleh.
He said he did not know what had caused the fire.
Another resident, who identified himself as Miftah, said that a fire engine was destroyed by the conflagration and houses collapsed nearby.
It was one of biggest weapons dumps in Benghazi region. The resident said, who works at a power station nearby, said windows were broken by the explosion several km (miles) away. “The fire is still raging and we fear more explosions,” Miftah said. (Reporting by Tom Pfeiffer, editing by Peter Millership/Tom Perry)
A Libyan anti-government activist holds up a gun as others chant slogans against Moamer Kadhafi during a funeral procession for one of five Libyans killed in heavy fighting the previous day on March 3, 2011 on the road to the cemetery of Ajdabiya, 160 kms west of Benghazi, as fresh air strikes hit the rebel-held Libyan town of Brega according to residents, amid fears of a new bid by troops loyal to Moamer Kadhafi's regime to recapture the key oil port.
A Libyan anti-government activist holds up a gun as others chant slogans against Moamer Kadhafi during a funeral procession for one of five Libyans killed in heavy fighting the previous day on March 3, 2011 on the road to the cemetery of Ajdabiya, 160 kms west of Benghazi, as fresh air strikes hit the rebel-held Libyan town of Brega according to residents, amid fears of a new bid by troops loyal to Moamer Kadhafi’s regime to recapture the key oil port.
A Libyan anti-government activist holds up a gun during a funeral procession for one of five Libyans killed in heavy fighting the previous day on March 3, 2011 on the road to the cemetery of Ajdabiya, 160 kms west of Benghazi, as fresh air strikes hit the rebel-held Libyan town of Brega according to residents, amid fears of a new bid by troops loyal to Moamer Kadhafi's regime to recapture the key oil port.
A defected Libyan soldier waits in their vehicle outside the hospital in the eastern town of Brega, Libya, Thursday, March 3, 2011. Mutinous army units in pickup trucks armed with machine-guns and rocket launchers deployed around the strategic oil installation at Brega Thursday, securing the site after the opposition repelled an attempt by loyalists of Moammar Gadhafi to retake the port in rebel-held east Libya.
A defected Libyan soldier waits in their vehicle outside the hospital in the eastern town of Brega, Libya, Thursday, March 3, 2011. Mutinous army units in pickup trucks armed with machine-guns and rocket launchers deployed around the strategic oil installation at Brega Thursday, securing the site after the opposition repelled an attempt by loyalists of Moammar Gadhafi to retake the port in rebel-held east Libya.
Defected Libyan soldiers and volunteers cheer as they sit on the outskirts of the eastern town of Brega, Libya, Thursday, March 3, 2011. Mutinous army units in pickup trucks armed with machine-guns and rocket launchers deployed around the strategic oil installation at Brega Thursday, securing the site after the opposition repelled an attempt by loyalists of Moammar Gadhafi to retake the port in rebel-held east Libya.
A Libyan rebel fighter patrols outside one of the entrance of the SIRTE refinery in Brega, on March 3, 2011 a day after a massive battle to defend this strategically important oil refinery from a regime counter-attack.
A Libyan rebel fighter patrols outside one of the entrance of the SIRTE refinery in Brega, on March 3, 2011 a day after a massive battle to defend this strategically important oil refinery from a regime counter-attack.
AJDABIYA, LIBYA - MARCH 03:  A rebel fighter scans the horizon for government troops on March 3, 2011 in Ajdabiya, Libya. At least fourteen people died in fighting in Brega Wednesday when rebels fought back an offensive from troops loyal to President Muammar Gaddafi.
AJDABIYA, LIBYA – MARCH 03: A rebel fighter scans the horizon for government troops on March 3, 2011 in Ajdabiya, Libya. At least fourteen people died in fighting in Brega Wednesday when rebels fought back an offensive from troops loyal to President Muammar Gaddafi.
Anti-government tribal revolutionary rebels check African migrants at a checkpoint in Ajdabia area, 150 km south west of Benghazi , March 3, 2011.
Anti-government tribal revolutionary rebels check African migrants at a checkpoint in Ajdabia area, 150 km south west of Benghazi , March 3, 2011.
Libyan anti-government activists chant slogans against Moamer Kadhafi during a funeral procession for one of the five Libyans killed the previous day while defending a strategically important oil refinery town from a regime counter-attack in Brega, on March 3, 2011 on their way to Ajdabiya cemetery, 160 kms west of Benghazi. A hospital official said at least 12 people were killed in Brega, where loyalists of the Libyan leader staged their first counter-attack on a significant town in the rebel-controlled east of the country.
Libyan anti-government activists chant slogans against Moamer Kadhafi during a funeral procession for one of the five Libyans killed the previous day while defending a strategically important oil refinery town from a regime counter-attack in Brega, on March 3, 2011 on their way to Ajdabiya cemetery, 160 kms west of Benghazi. A hospital official said at least 12 people were killed in Brega, where loyalists of the Libyan leader staged their first counter-attack on a significant town in the rebel-controlled east of the country.
Anti-government tribal revolutionary rebels check African migrants at a checkpoint in Ajdabia area, 150 km south west of Benghazi , March 3, 2011.
Anti-government tribal revolutionary rebels check African migrants at a checkpoint in Ajdabia area, 150 km south west of Benghazi , March 3, 2011.
AJDABIYA, LIBYA - MARCH 03:  Rebel fighters shoot into the air during a funeral for slain comrades on March 3, 2011 in Ajdabiya, Libya. At least fourteen people died reportedly in fighting in Brega Wednesday when rebels fought back an offensive from troops loyal to President Muammar Gaddafi.
AJDABIYA, LIBYA – MARCH 03: Rebel fighters shoot into the air during a funeral for slain comrades on March 3, 2011 in Ajdabiya, Libya. At least fourteen people died reportedly in fighting in Brega Wednesday when rebels fought back an offensive from troops loyal to President Muammar Gaddafi.
AJDABIYA, LIBYA - MARCH 03:  Bullet cases fly as rebel fighters shoot into the air during a funeral for slain comrades on March 3, 2011 in Ajdabiya, Libya. At least fourteen people died reportedly in fighting in Brega Wednesday when rebels fought back an offensive from troops loyal to President Muammar Gaddafi.
Defected Libyan soldiers and volunteers load weapons onto a truck on the outskirts of the eastern town of Brega, Libya, Thursday, March 3, 2011. Mutinous army units in pickup trucks armed with machine-guns and rocket launchers deployed around the strategic oil installation at Brega Thursday, securing the site after the opposition repelled an attempt by loyalists of Moammar Gadhafi to retake the port in rebel-held east Libya.
Defected Libyan soldiers and volunteers load weapons onto a truck on the outskirts of the eastern town of Brega, Libya, Thursday, March 3, 2011. Mutinous army units in pickup trucks armed with machine-guns and rocket launchers deployed around the strategic oil installation at Brega Thursday, securing the site after the opposition repelled an attempt by loyalists of Moammar Gadhafi to retake the port in rebel-held east Libya.
Mourners raise their rifles during the funeral of rebels killed in clashes with forces loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in Brega, in Benghazi March 3, 2011.

pembangkang Libya menolak untuk berunding dengan Gaddafi Melainkan Gaddafi berambus terlebih dahulu..

Libyan opposition rejects govt. talks

A Libyan anti-government group The National Council has rejected negotiations with the government unless Muammar Gaddafi goes into exile.
“If there is any negotiation it will be on one single thing — how Gaddafi is going to leave the country or step down so we can save lives. There is nothing else to negotiate,” said Ahmed Jabreel, an aide to the council on Thursday.
“We are not going to negotiate any political solution. We want him put on trial, but if we don’t give him an exit, we know more people will be killed,” Jabreel added.
The 30-member national council was established in the eastern city of Benghazi by anti-government forces following the liberation of some eastern cities.
The council is headed by the former Justice Minister Mustafa Abdel Jalil who resigned last week in protest against the brutal crackdown on mass demonstrations.
Though US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said that Washington is “reaching out” to opposition forces in Libya, spokesman for the council, Hafiz Ghoga, has rejected foreign intervention in the country, saying “the rest of Libya will be liberated by people.”
On Wednesday, clashes between opposition forces and Gaddafi loyalists left at least ten people dead. The anti-government revolutionary forces in Brega claim they have repelled attacks and managed to liberate an oil terminal that had fallen under control of Gaddafi forces.
Reports by human rights groups say over 6,000 people have so far been killed in the government’s harsh crackdown on protesters.PressTV
Posted by: pinkturtle2 | Mac 3, 2011

Gaddafi pembunuh… Rakyat terus bangkit

Mourners pray next to coffins containing the bodies of rebels killed in clashes with forces loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in Brega, during their funeral in Benghazi March 3, 2011.
Mourners pray next to coffins containing the bodies of rebels killed in clashes with forces loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in Brega, during their funeral in Benghazi March 3, 2011.
Mourners pray next to a coffin containing the body of a rebel killed in clashes with forces loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in Brega, during his funeral in Benghazi March 3, 2011.
Anti-Gaddafi protesters fire their guns into the air during the funeral of rebels who died on Wednesday during clashes between rebels and pro-Gaddafi forces in Brega city, at the cemetery in Ajdabia area, 150 south west of Benghazi, March 3, 2011.
Anti-Gaddafi protesters fire their guns into the air during the funeral of rebels who died on Wednesday during clashes between rebels and pro-Gaddafi forces in Brega city, at the cemetery in Ajdabia area, 150 south west of Benghazi, March 3, 2011.
Anti-Gaddafi protester carries the body of a miscarried baby  he said died on Wednesday during clashes between rebels and pro-Gaddafi forces in Brega city, at the cemetery  in Ajdabia area, 150 southwest of Benghazi, March 3, 2011.
Anti-Gaddafi protester carries the body of a miscarried baby he said died on Wednesday during clashes between rebels and pro-Gaddafi forces in Brega city, at the cemetery in Ajdabia area, 150 southwest of Benghazi, March 3, 2011.
The family members of anti-government tribal revolutionary rebels who were killed on Wednesday after armed clashes with pro-Gaddafi forces in Brega city, mourn in front of a hospital before burying them in cemetery in Ajdabiya area, 150km south west of Benghazi, March 3, 2011.
The family members of anti-government tribal revolutionary rebels who were killed on Wednesday after armed clashes with pro-Gaddafi forces in Brega city, mourn in front of a hospital before burying them in cemetery in Ajdabiya area, 150km south west of Benghazi, March 3, 2011.
Anti-government tribal revolutionary rebels mourn for those who were killed on Wednesday after armed clashes with pro-Gaddafi forces in Brega city, before a funeral in a cemetery in Ajdabiya area, 150 km southwest of Benghazi, March 3, 2011.
Anti-government tribal revolutionary rebels mourn for those who were killed on Wednesday after armed clashes with pro-Gaddafi forces in Brega city, before a funeral in a cemetery in Ajdabiya area, 150 km southwest of Benghazi, March 3, 2011.
Libyan anti-government activists carry the coffin a Libyan rebel killed the previous day while defending a strategically important oil refinery town from a regime counter-attack in Brega, on March 3, 2011 during a funeral procession on their way to Ajdabiya cemetery, 160 kms west of Benghazi. A hospital official said at least 12 people were killed in Brega, where loyalists of the Libyan leader staged their first counter-attack on a significant town in the rebel-controlled east of the country.
Libyan anti-government activists carry the coffin a Libyan rebel killed the previous day while defending a strategically important oil refinery town from a regime counter-attack in Brega, on March 3, 2011 during a funeral procession on their way to Ajdabiya cemetery, 160 kms west of Benghazi. A hospital official said at least 12 people were killed in Brega, where loyalists of the Libyan leader staged their first counter-attack on a significant town in the rebel-controlled east of the country.
A rebel aims a rocket launcher in Brega March 3, 2011.
A rebel aims a rocket launcher in Brega March 3, 2011.
Libyan rebels prepare an anti-aircraft gun at the west gate of Ajdabiya, 160 kms west of Benghazi, on March 3, 2011 a day after a massive battle to defend a strategically important oil refinery town from a regime counter-attack in Brega.
A rebel holds a rocket-propelled grenade launcher (RPG) at a checkpoint in Brega, March 3, 2011.
AJDABIYA, LIBYA - MARCH 03:  A rebel fighter greets a crowd of comrades while heading towards the frontline on March 3, 2011 in Ajdabiya, Libya. At least fourteen people died in fighting in Brega Wednesday when rebels fought back an offensive from troops loyal to President Muammar Gaddafi.
AJDABIYA, LIBYA – MARCH 03: A rebel fighter greets a crowd of comrades while heading towards the frontline on March 3, 2011 in Ajdabiya, Libya. At least fourteen people died in fighting in Brega Wednesday when rebels fought back an offensive from troops loyal to President Muammar Gaddafi.
A rebel sits on an anti-aircraft gun on the outskirts of Ajdabiya on the road leading to Brega March 3, 2011.
A rebel aims a rocket launcher in Brega March 3, 2011.
A rebel holds a rocket propelled grenade at a checkpoint in Brega March 3, 2011.
Libyan anti-government activists chant slogans against Moamer Kadhafi during a funeral procession for one of the five Libyans killed the previous day while defending a strategically important oil refinery town from a regime counter-attack in Brega, on March 3, 2011 on their way to Ajdabiya cemetery, 160 kms west of Benghazi. A hospital official said at least 12 people were killed in Brega, where loyalists of the Libyan leader staged their first counter-attack on a significant town in the rebel-controlled east of the country.
Libyan anti-government activists chant slogans against Moamer Kadhafi during a funeral procession for one of the five Libyans killed the previous day while defending a strategically important oil refinery town from a regime counter-attack in Brega, on March 3, 2011 on their way to Ajdabiya cemetery, 160 kms west of Benghazi. A hospital official said at least 12 people were killed in Brega, where loyalists of the Libyan leader staged their first counter-attack on a significant town in the rebel-controlled east of the country.
Anti-Gaddafi protesters fire their guns into the air during the funeral of rebels who died on Wednesday during clashes between rebels and pro-Gaddafi forces in Brega city, at the cemetery in Ajdabia area, 150 south west of Benghazi, March 3, 2011.
AJDABIYA, LIBYA - MARCH 03:  Opposition supporters carry coffins during a funeral for slain rebel fighters on March 3, 2011 in Ajdabiya, Libya. At least fourteen people died in fighting in Brega Wednesday when rebels fought back an offensive from troops loyal to President Muammar Gaddafi.
AJDABIYA, LIBYA – MARCH 03: Opposition supporters carry coffins during a funeral for slain rebel fighters on March 3, 2011 in Ajdabiya, Libya. At least fourteen people died in fighting in Brega Wednesday when rebels fought back an offensive from troops loyal to President Muammar Gaddafi.
Libyan soldiers who defected to the anti-Gadhafi forces pray on the outskirts of the eastern town of Brega, Libya, Thursday, March 3, 2011.
A rebel sits on an anti-aircraft gun at a checkpoint in Brega, March 3, 2011.
People mourn on March 3, 2011 in Benghazi on the grave of a Libyan rebel killed the previous day while defending a strategically important oil refinery town from a regime counter-attack in Brega, after attending the funerals. A hospital official said at least 12 people were killed in Brega, where loyalists of the Libyan leader staged their first counter-attack on a significant town in the rebel-controlled east of the country.
People mourn on March 3, 2011 in Benghazi on the grave of a Libyan rebel killed the previous day while defending a strategically important oil refinery town from a regime counter-attack in Brega, after attending the funerals. A hospital official said at least 12 people were killed in Brega, where loyalists of the Libyan leader staged their first counter-attack on a significant town in the rebel-controlled east of the country.
Posted by: pinkturtle2 | Mac 3, 2011

Diktator Gaddafi istihar perang, rakyat istihar jihad

Rebels pray on the outskirts of Ajdabiya on the road leading to Brega March 2, 2011.
Rebels pray on the outskirts of Ajdabiya on the road leading to Brega March 2, 2011.
Rebels pray on the outskirts of Ajdabiyah, on the road leading to Brega, March 2, 2011.
A Libyan rebel prepars a rocket launcher during a battle against pro-Moaamar Gadhafi fighters, in the town of Brega, east of Libya, on Wednesday, March 2, 2011. Regime opponents battled forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi who tried Wednesday to retake a key oil installation in a counteroffensive Wednesday against the rebel-held eastern half of the country. At one point in the flip-flopping battle, anti-Gadhafi fighters cornered the attackers in a nearby seaside university campus in fierce fighting that killed at least five.
A Libyan rebel prepars a rocket launcher during a battle against pro-Moaamar Gadhafi fighters, in the town of Brega, east of Libya, on Wednesday, March 2, 2011. Regime opponents battled forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi who tried Wednesday to retake a key oil installation in a counteroffensive Wednesday against the rebel-held eastern half of the country. At one point in the flip-flopping battle, anti-Gadhafi fighters cornered the attackers in a nearby seaside university campus in fierce fighting that killed at least five
Libyan rebels take their position as they battel against pro-Moaamar Gadhafi fighters vehicle in the town of Brega, east of Libya, on Wednesday March 2, 2011. Regime opponents battled forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi who tried Wednesday to retake a key oil installation in a counteroffensive Wednesday against the rebel-held eastern half of the country. At one point in the flip-flopping battle, anti-Gadhafi fighters cornered the attackers in a nearby seaside university campus in fierce fighting that killed at least five.
Rebel forces ride on the back of a pick-up truck as they head for battle in Ajdabiya on March 2, 2011 while pro Moamer Kadhafi soldiers and mercenaries armed with tanks and heavy artillery stormed the nearby city of Brega, 200 kilometres (125 miles) southwest of the main eastern city Benghazi, sparking heavy clashes.
Libyan rebels celebrate the announce that the nearby city of 'Brega is now under the full control of the revolution,' a police general said, while preparing to battle in Ajdabiya on March 2, 2011 after Pro Moamer Kadhafi soldiers and mercenaries armed with tanks and heavy artillery stormed Brega, 200 kilometres (125 miles) southwest of the main eastern city Benghazi, sparking heavy clashes.
A Libyan rebel holds RPG launchers during a battle against pro-Moaamar Gadhafi fighters vehicle in the town of Brega, east of Libya, on Wednesday March 2, 2011. Regime opponents battled forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi who tried Wednesday to retake a key oil installation in a counteroffensive Wednesday against the rebel-held eastern half of the country. At one point in the flip-flopping battle, anti-Gadhafi fighters cornered the attackers in a nearby seaside university campus in fierce fighting that killed at least five.
A Libyan rebel fighter is seen close to Brega on March 02, 2011, as pro Moamer Kadhafi soldiers and mercenaries armed with tanks and heavy artillery stormed the city some 200 kilometres (125 miles) southwest of the main eastern city Benghazi, sparking heavy clashes.
A dead Libyan man is taken into a hospital in the eastern town of Brega, Libya, Wednesday, March 2, 2011. Gadhafi vowed "We will fight until the last man and woman" and lashed out against Europe and the United States for their pressure on him to step down, warning that thousands of Libyans will die if U.S. and NATO forces intervene in the conflict.
A dead Libyan man is taken into a hospital in the eastern town of Brega, Libya, Wednesday, March 2, 2011. Gadhafi vowed “We will fight until the last man and woman” and lashed out against Europe and the United States for their pressure on him to step down, warning that thousands of Libyans will die if U.S. and NATO forces intervene in the conflict.
Libyan rebel take their position during a battle against pro-Moaamar Gadhafi fighters, in the town of Brega, east of Libya, on Wednesday March 2, 2011. Regime opponents battled forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi who tried Wednesday to retake a key oil installation in a counteroffensive Wednesday against the rebel-held eastern half of the country. At one point in the flip-flopping battle, anti-Gadhafi fighters cornered the attackers in a nearby seaside university campus in fierce fighting that killed at least five.
A Libyan rebel holds his AK-47 as he walks next to pro-Moaamar Gadhafi fighters vehicle, in the town of Brega, east of Libya, on Wednesday, March 2, 2011. Regime opponents battled forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi who tried Wednesday to retake a key oil installation in a counteroffensive Wednesday against the rebel-held eastern half of the country. At one point in the flip-flopping battle, anti-Gadhafi fighters cornered the attackers in a nearby seaside university campus in fierce fighting that killed at least five.
Libyan rebels prepares rocket launhers to take them to the battle scene against pro-Moaamar Gadhafi fighters, in the town of Brega, east of Libya, on Wednesday March 2, 2011. Regime opponents battled forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi who tried Wednesday to retake a key oil installation in a counteroffensive Wednesday against the rebel-held eastern half of the country. At one point in the flip-flopping battle, anti-Gadhafi fighters cornered the attackers in a nearby seaside university campus in fierce fighting that killed at least five.
A Libyan rebel moves holds his automatic machine gun as he walks forward during a battle against pro-Moaamar Gadhafi fighters, in the town of Brega, east of Libya, on Wednesday, March 2, 2011. Regime opponents battled forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi who tried Wednesday to retake a key oil installation in a counteroffensive Wednesday against the rebel-held eastern half of the country. At one point in the flip-flopping battle, anti-Gadhafi fighters cornered the attackers in a nearby seaside university campus in fierce fighting that killed at least five.
Libyan rebels with RPG launchers take their position during a battle against pro-Moaamar Gadhafi fighters, in the town of Brega, east of Libya, on Wednesday March 2, 2011. Regime opponents battled forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi who tried Wednesday to retake a key oil installation in a counteroffensive Wednesday against the rebel-held eastern half of the country. At one point in the flip-flopping battle, anti-Gadhafi fighters cornered the attackers in a nearby seaside university campus in fierce fighting that killed at least five.
Rebels stand around an antiaircraft weapon on the outskirts of Ajdabiya, on the road leading to Brega, March 2, 2011.
A Libyan rebel carries rockets to send it to the battle scene against pro-Moaamar Gadhafi fighters, in the town of Brega, east of Libya, on Wednesday, March 2, 2011. Regime opponents battled forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi who tried Wednesday to retake a key oil installation in a counteroffensive Wednesday against the rebel-held eastern half of the country. At one point in the flip-flopping battle, anti-Gadhafi fighters cornered the attackers in a nearby seaside university campus in fierce fighting that killed at least five.
A Libyan rebel helps his injured colleague who was wounded in his leg during a battle with pro-Moaamar Gadhafi fighters vehicle in the town of Brega, east of Libya, on Wednesday March 2, 2011. Regime opponents battled forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi who tried Wednesday to retake a key oil installation in a counteroffensive Wednesday against the rebel-held eastern half of the country. At one point in the flip-flopping battle, anti-Gadhafi fighters cornered the attackers in a nearby seaside university campus in fierce fighting that killed at least five.
A Libyan man inspects spent munitions after a fire fights with forces from the Libyan army in the eastern town of Brega, Libya, Wednesday, March 2, 2011.
A Libyan man inspects spent munitions after a fire fights with forces from the Libyan army in the eastern town of Brega, Libya, Wednesday, March 2, 2011.
A Libyan rebel reacts as he holds his RPG launcher during a battel against pro-Moaamar Gadhafi fighters vehicle in the town of Brega, east of Libya,  Wednesday March 2, 2011. Regime opponents battled forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi who tried Wednesday to retake a key oil installation in a counteroffensive Wednesday against the rebel-held eastern half of the country. At one point in the flip-flopping battle, anti-Gadhafi fighters cornered the attackers in a nearby seaside university campus in fierce fighting that killed at least five.
A Libyan fighters reacts as he holds his RPG launcher during a battel against pro-Moaamar Gadhafi fighters vehicle in the town of Brega, east of Libya, Wednesday March 2, 2011. Regime opponents battled forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi who tried Wednesday to retake a key oil installation in a counteroffensive Wednesday against the rebel-held eastern half of the country. At one point in the flip-flopping battle, anti-Gadhafi fighters cornered the attackers in a nearby seaside university campus in fierce fighting that killed at least five.
Libyan rebels prepare to battle in Ajdabiya on March 2, 2011 as Pro Moamer Kadhafi soldiers and mercenaries armed with tanks and heavy artillery stormed the nearby city of Brega, 200 kilometres (125 miles) southwest of the main eastern city Benghazi, sparking heavy clashes, residents said.
Rebels wave a Kingdom of Libya flag as they ride on top of a tank on the outskirts of Ajdabiyah, on the road leading to Brega, March 2, 2011. The flag which was used when Libya gained independence from Italy in 1951, has been used as a symbol of resistance against Libya's leader Muammar Gaddafi in the recent protests.
Libyan rebels prepare to battle in Ajdabiya on March 2, 2011 as Pro Moamer Kadhafi soldiers and mercenaries armed with tanks and heavy artillery stormed the nearby city of Brega, 200 kilometres (125 miles) southwest of the main eastern city Benghazi, sparking heavy clashes, residents said.
Libyan fighters prepare to battle in Ajdabiya on March 2, 2011 as Pro Moamer Kadhafi soldiers and mercenaries armed with tanks and heavy artillery stormed the nearby city of Brega, 200 kilometres (125 miles) southwest of the main eastern city Benghazi, sparking heavy clashes, residents said.
A rebel holds a gun on the outskirts of Ajdabiya, on the road leading to Brega, March 2, 2011. Government troops briefly captured Marsa El Brega, an oil export terminal, before being driven back by rebels who have controlled the town 800 km (500 miles) east of the capital Tripoli for about a week, rebel officers said.
AL-BREGA, LIBYA - MARCH 02:  Onlookers view a dead rebel fighter after he was killed on the front line with Libyan government forces on March 2, 2011 in al-Brega, Libya. The rebels drove out troops loyal to President Muammar Gaddafi from the coastal town after the government forces had taken it overnight.
AL-BREGA, LIBYA - MARCH 02:  Rebel fighters advance on the front line against Libyan government forces on March 2, 2011 in al-Brega, Libya. The rebels drove out troops loyal to President Muammar Gaddafi from the coastal town after the government forces had taken it overnight.
A Libyan rebel shoots towards a burning pro-Moaamar Gadhafi fighters vehicle in celebrating of them retaking the town of Brega, east of Libya, on Wednesday March 2, 2011. Regime opponents battled forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi who tried Wednesday to retake a key oil installation in a counteroffensive Wednesday against the rebel-held eastern half of the country. At one point in the flip-flopping battle, anti-Gadhafi fighters cornered the attackers in a nearby seaside university campus in fierce fighting that killed at least five.
A Libyan rebel celebrates after they retake the Brega town from pro-Moaamar Gadhafi fighters, in Brega, east of Libya, on Wednesday, March 2, 2011. Regime opponents battled forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi who tried Wednesday to retake a key oil installation in a counteroffensive Wednesday against the rebel-held eastern half of the country. At one point in the flip-flopping battle, anti-Gadhafi fighters cornered the attackers in a nearby seaside university campus in fierce fighting that killed at least five.
A rebel soldier walks with a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) in Brega March 2, 2011.
Libyan men prepare to go fight forces from the Libyan army outside the eastern town of Brega, Libya, Wednesday, March 2, 2011. Gadhafi vowed "We will fight until the last man and woman" and lashed out against Europe and the United States for their pressure on him to step down, warning that thousands of Libyans will die if U.S. and NATO forces intervene in the conflict.
Libyan rebel fighters stand on a hill as others perform the noon prayer on March 2, 2011 in Ajdabiya, 160 kms west of the eastern city of Benghazi. Opposition forces fought intense battles to repel Moamer Kadhafi's forces from the nearby key eastern oil port of Brega as the regime's biggest counter-offensive yet left at least 10 people dead.
Libyan  fighters stand on a hill as others perform the noon prayer on March 2, 2011 in Ajdabiya, 160 kms west of the eastern city of Benghazi. Opposition forces fought intense battles to repel Moamer Kadhafi’s forces from the nearby key eastern oil port of Brega as the regime’s biggest counter-offensive yet left at least 10 people dead.
Libya's leader Muammar Gaddafi gestures before making a speech to supporters in which he sought to defuse tensions after more than 10 days of anti-government protests, in Tripoli March 2, 2011. Gaddafi, orchestrating a populist response to rebels threatening his rule, blamed al Qaeda on Wednesday for creating turmoil and told applauding supporters there was a conspiracy to control Libya and its oil.
Libya’s leader Muammar Gaddafi gestures before making a speech to supporters in which he sought to defuse tensions after more than 10 days of anti-government protests, in Tripoli March 2, 2011. Gaddafi, orchestrating a populist response to rebels threatening his rule, blamed al Qaeda on Wednesday for creating turmoil and told applauding supporters there was a conspiracy to control Libya and its oil.
Libya's leader Muammar Gaddafi gestures to his supporters before making a speech in which he sought to defuse tensions after more than 10 days of anti-government protests, in Tripoli March 2, 2011. Gaddafi, orchestrating a populist response to rebels threatening his rule, blamed al Qaeda on Wednesday for creating turmoil and told applauding supporters there was a conspiracy to control Libya and its oil.
Libya's leader Muammar Gaddafi gestures to his supporters before making a speech in which he sought to defuse tensions after more than 10 days of anti-government protests, in Tripoli March 2, 2011. Gaddafi, orchestrating a populist response to rebels threatening his rule, blamed al Qaeda on Wednesday for creating turmoil and told applauding supporters there was a conspiracy to control Libya and its oil.
A rebel soldier gestures while holding onto a rocket-propelled grenade launcher (RPG) in Brega March 2, 2011.
A rebel soldier gestures while holding onto a rocket-propelled grenade launcher (RPG) in Brega March 2, 2011.
A rebel soldier takes aim with a rocket-propelled grenade launcher (RPG) in Brega March 2, 2011.
Supporters cheer as a  convoy of Libyan rebel soldiers drives in Ajdabiya on March 2, 2011 while pro Moamer Kadhafi soldiers and mercenaries armed with tanks and heavy artillery stormed the nearby city of Brega, 200 kilometres (125 miles) southwest of the main eastern city Benghazi, sparking heavy clashes.
Supporters cheer as a convoy of Libyan rebel soldiers drives in Ajdabiya on March 2, 2011 while pro Moamer Kadhafi soldiers and mercenaries armed with tanks and heavy artillery stormed the nearby city of Brega, 200 kilometres (125 miles) southwest of the main eastern city Benghazi, sparking heavy clashes.
Libyan rebel celebrate after they retake the Brega town from pro-Moaamar Gadhafi fighters, in Brega, east of Libya, on Wednesday, March 2, 2011. Regime opponents battled forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi who tried Wednesday to retake a key oil installation in a counteroffensive Wednesday against the rebel-held eastern half of the country. At one point in the flip-flopping battle, anti-Gadhafi fighters cornered the attackers in a nearby seaside university campus in fierce fighting that killed at least five.
Libyan rebel celebrate after they retake the Brega town from pro-Moaamar Gadhafi fighters, in Brega, east of Libya, on Wednesday, March 2, 2011. Regime opponents battled forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi who tried Wednesday to retake a key oil installation in a counteroffensive Wednesday against the rebel-held eastern half of the country. At one point in the flip-flopping battle, anti-Gadhafi fighters cornered the attackers in a nearby seaside university campus in fierce fighting that killed at least five.
Rebel forces are cheered by supporters as they ride on the back of a pick-up truck in Ajdabiya on March 2, 2011 while pro Moamer Kadhafi soldiers and mercenaries armed with tanks and heavy artillery stormed the nearby city of Brega, 200 kilometres (125 miles) southwest of the main eastern city Benghazi, sparking heavy clashes.
Rebel forces are cheered by supporters as they ride on the back of a pick-up truck in Ajdabiya on March 2, 2011 while pro Moamer Kadhafi soldiers and mercenaries armed with tanks and heavy artillery stormed the nearby city of Brega, 200 kilometres (125 miles) southwest of the main eastern city Benghazi, sparking heavy clashes.
A rebel holds his ears as a bomb launched by a Libyan air force jet loyal to Libya's leader Muammar Gaddafi explodes in the desert near Brega, March 2, 2011.
A rebel holds his ears as a bomb launched by a Libyan air force jet loyal to Libya’s leader Muammar Gaddafi explodes in the desert near Brega, March 2, 2011.
A rebel fires a rocket at a Libyan air force jet loyal to Libya's leader Muammar Gaddafi during a battle in the desert near Brega, March 2, 2011.
A rebel fires a rocket at a Libyan air force jet loyal to Libya’s leader Muammar Gaddafi during a battle in the desert near Brega, March 2, 2011.
Rebel soldiers gesture atop a car as they head to Brega, in Ajdabiya March 2, 2011.
Libyan rebels ready their weapons and munitions in Ajdabiya on March 2, 2011 as pro Moamer Kadhafi soldiers and mercenaries armed with tanks and heavy artillery stormed the nearby city of Brega, 200 kilometres (125 miles) southwest of the main eastern city Benghazi, sparking heavy clashes, residents said.
Libyan rebels ready their weapons and munitions in Ajdabiya on March 2, 2011 as pro Moamer Kadhafi soldiers and mercenaries armed with tanks and heavy artillery stormed the nearby city of Brega, 200 kilometres (125 miles) southwest of the main eastern city Benghazi, sparking heavy clashes, residents said.
Libyan rebels prepare to battle in Ajdabiya on March 2, 2011 as Pro Moamer Kadhafi soldiers and mercenaries armed with tanks and heavy artillery stormed the nearby city of Brega, 200 kilometres (125 miles) southwest of the main eastern city Benghazi, sparking heavy clashes, residents said.
Libyan rebels prepare to battle in Ajdabiya on March 2, 2011 as Pro Moamer Kadhafi soldiers and mercenaries armed with tanks and heavy artillery stormed the nearby city of Brega, 200 kilometres (125 miles) southwest of the main eastern city Benghazi, sparking heavy clashes, residents said.
A Libyan rebel soldier carries ammunition as rebel forces prepare for battle in Ajdabiya on March 2, 2011 while pro Moamer Kadhafi soldiers and mercenaries armed with tanks and heavy artillery stormed the nearby city of Brega, 200 kilometres (125 miles) southwest of the main eastern city Benghazi, sparking heavy clashes.
A Libyan rebel soldier carries ammunition as rebel forces prepare for battle in Ajdabiya on March 2, 2011 while pro Moamer Kadhafi soldiers and mercenaries armed with tanks and heavy artillery stormed the nearby city of Brega, 200 kilometres (125 miles) southwest of the main eastern city Benghazi, sparking heavy clashes.
AL-BREGA, LIBYA - MARCH 02:  Rebel fighters celebrate after advancing on the front line against Libyan government forces on March 2, 2011 in al-Brega, Libya. The rebels drove out troops loyal to President Muammar Gaddafi from the coastal town after the government forces had taken it overnight.
AL-BREGA, LIBYA – MARCH 02: Rebel fighters celebrate after advancing on the front line against Libyan government forces on March 2, 2011 in al-Brega, Libya. The rebels drove out troops loyal to President Muammar Gaddafi from the coastal town after the government forces had taken it overnight.
AL-BREGA, LIBYA - MARCH 02:  Rebel fighters celebrate after advancing on the front line against Libyan government forces on March 2, 2011 in al-Brega, Libya. The rebels drove out troops loyal to President Muammar Gaddafi from the coastal town after the government forces had taken it overnight.
AL-BREGA, LIBYA – MARCH 02: Rebel fighters celebrate after advancing on the front line against Libyan government forces on March 2, 2011 in al-Brega, Libya. The rebels drove out troops loyal to President Muammar Gaddafi from the coastal town after the government forces had taken it overnight.
AL-BREGA, LIBYA - MARCH 02:  Rebel fighters celebrate after advancing on the front line against Libyan government forces on March 2, 2011 in al-Brega, Libya. The rebels drove out troops loyal to President Muammar Gaddafi from the coastal town after the government forces had taken it overnight.
Libyan rebel fighters stand on a hill as others perform the noon prayer on March 2, 2011 in Ajdabiya, 160 kms west of the eastern city of Benghazi. Opposition forces fought intense battles to repel Moamer Kadhafi's forces from the nearby key eastern oil port of Brega as the regime's biggest counter-offensive yet left at least 10 people dead.
Libyan rebel fighters stand on a hill as others perform the noon prayer on March 2, 2011 in Ajdabiya, 160 kms west of the eastern city of Benghazi. Opposition forces fought intense battles to repel Moamer Kadhafi’s forces from the nearby key eastern oil port of Brega as the regime’s biggest counter-offensive yet left at least 10 people dead.
A wounded Libyan man is treated inside a hospital in the eastern town of Brega, Libya, Wednesday, March 2, 2011. Gadhafi vowed "We will fight until the last man and woman" and lashed out against Europe and the United States for their pressure on him to step down, warning that thousands of Libyans will die if U.S. and NATO forces intervene in the conflict.
A wounded Libyan man is treated inside a hospital in the eastern town of Brega, Libya, Wednesday, March 2, 2011. Gadhafi vowed “We will fight until the last man and woman” and lashed out against Europe and the United States for their pressure on him to step down, warning that thousands of Libyans will die if U.S. and NATO forces intervene in the conflict.

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